Useful Git Commands
- $ git init
#initialize an empty Git repoistory - $ git status
#see the current state of the project
untracked file: it is a new file and not be tracked by Git
staged:Files are ready to be committed.
unstaged: Files with changes that have not been prepared to be commited.
untracked: Files aren’t tracked by Git yet. This usually indicates a newly created file.
deleted: File has been deleted and is waiting to be removed from Git. - $ git add <filename>
$ git add -A .
# add all, “.” stand for the current directory
$ git reset <filename>
#remove a file or files from the staging area - $ git commit -m “a message about the changing”
# Staging Area: A place where we can group files together before we “commit” them to Git. - $ git add ‘*.txt’
# Wildcards: need quotes - $ git log
# see all the changes
$ git log –summary
# see more information for each commit - $ git remote add origin…
# push local repository to the GitHub server, “origin” is the name for remote repository - $ git push -u origin master
# push local changes to the “origin” repository
# -u : remember the parameters, so that next time simply run git push - $ git pull origin master
# check for changes on repository and pull down any new changes by running - $ get diff HEAD
# diff of most recent commit using HEAD pointer
# HEAD: a pointer that holds your position within all different commits. By default HEAD points to most recent commit, so it can be used as a quick way to reference that commit without having to look up SHA. - $ git diff –staged
# –staged : see the changes you just staged. - $ git reset <filename>
# unstage files, but not delete the files - $ git checkout — <target>
# change the file back to the last commit
# — : promising the command line that there are no more options after the ‘–‘. - $ git branch <new branch name>
# create a new branch - $ git checkout <branch>
# switch to the branch
$ git checkout -b <branch>
# create and checkout a new branch at the same time - $ git rm <filename>
# remove a file
$ git rm ‘*.txt’
# remove all file
$ git rm -r <folder>
# remove a folder and all its content - $ git commit -am “message”
# if you happen to delete a file without using ‘git rm’, then you still have remove it from the working tree with the command “git rm”. ‘-a’ option means auto removes deleted files. - $ git checkout master
# switch to master branch - $ git merge clean_up
# merge the branch - $ git branch -d <branch name>
# delete branch: -d means if something isn’t merged, it will not allow be deleted
# –force (-f) : force to be done
$ git branch -D <branch name>
# -D combines -f -d into one command - $ git push
# push everything to remote repository - $ git add file && git commit -m “removed merge conflicts”
$git add file && git commit -m “resolved merge conflicts”
# If pull failed (When conflict with your local file happens), you need this command - $ git push origin master –force
$ git pull –rebase
$ git push
# If push failed - $ git log origin/master..HEAD
# Viewing Unpushed Git Commits
$ git diff origin/master..HEAD
# view the diff using the same syntax
See: Viewing unpushed git commits? - $ git reset –soft HEAD~1
# Delete the most recent commit, keeping the work you’ve done
$ git reset –hard HEAD~1
# Delete the most recent commit, destroying the work you’ve done
See: How do I delete unpushed git commits?