Highlights of the new RStudio releases

The new release of R Studio got many improvement. As I read them, I was very so excited about the new functions. Here are highlights for me. Data can be filtered, searched, and sorted Execute R code from the Source…

My Git learning notes

Git Basic Git Help $ git help $ git help config Setting up git $ git config –global user.name “xxx” $ git config –global user.email “xxx@xxx.com” $ git config –global color.ui true Starting a Repo $ git init Work flow:…

sublime text 2 build configuration

Sublime is a great editor, it can deal with nearly all programming languages and expecially fit for web developer. I tried the sublime for Python. For beginner, you should do the following settings: Install the package control usage: ctrl+shift+p  ->…

Useful links for Git

git Reference help.github Pro Git (free ebook) GitLab codeschool course for Git Tutorialspoint for Git Egit Icon Decorations

Useful Git Commands

$ git init #initialize an empty Git repoistory $ git status #see the current state of the project untracked file: it is a new file and not be tracked by Git staged:Files are ready to be committed. unstaged: Files with changes that…