R important things

R has no block comment, but you can still do the following things: In RStudio: Ctrl+Shift+C if(false){xxx} block   python to R df.tail() -> tail(df) dropna(df) ->na.omit(df) / df[complete.cases(df),] df.describe() -> summary(df), library(psych): describe(df) df.shape -> dim(df)

Cassandra, Python, R, Node.js

It is quite nice, that Cassandra has driver for Python, R and Node.js. If you want to build a website with Cassandra DB which has also heavily scientific programming, I would suggest the following combination: Python Flask  or Django +…

Python vs. R

It is very difficult to say which one I like more. Jupter vs. RMarkdown RMarkDown: quick edit for beautiful report, compile is slow Jupyter: console in web, flexible, but sometimes you will fall into chaos Both can integrate different language…

Install Jupyter Kernel

1. How to install ipython 3 kernel to jupyter? + install Anaconda 3 + copy “Jupyter notebook” symbol to desktop + right click -> “property” -> “start in” change to the folder which you want to begin with 2. How…

hide messages in RMD

If you write Rmd file, the messages are always very disturbing. There are two methods to avoid it: 1. Global method {r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) 2. Local method suppressMessages(library(dplyr))

change R version

link is from default R adress: $which R /usr/bin/R it can be Force R Studio use the specific version: export RSTUDIO_WHICH_R=/usr/local/bin/R

Highlights of the new RStudio releases

The new release of R Studio got many improvement. As I read them, I was very so excited about the new functions. Here are highlights for me. Data can be filtered, searched, and sorted Execute R code from the Source…