Jupyter Magic Memory

%: line magic, %%cell magic Repeat Command: %recall Write cell content into a file: %%writefile file.py To autoreload your pyfile: %load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2 from yourfile import yourFunction Use R in jupyter %load_ext rpy2.ipythonR magic in cell %%Rcode in…

pycharm for django and sass

For django: professional version. create a new django project: just create a new one import a django project: import the project activate django support For Sass: make sure, the sass support is activate: File -> Setting -> Plugin install…

Cassandra, Python, R, Node.js

It is quite nice, that Cassandra has driver for Python, R and Node.js. If you want to build a website with Cassandra DB which has also heavily scientific programming, I would suggest the following combination: Python Flask  or Django +…