How to install R-extention in RapidMiner for Ubuntu?

I found the easiest way to install R extention for Ubuntun RapidMiner -> Marketplace -> R Extention RStudio -> Tools -> Install Packages… -> Input in the field “Packages”: rJava, JavaGD Or input in R Console: install.packages(c(“rJava”,”JavaGD”)) Restart RapidMiner you get a popup…

Start with R

Useful web sites for R: Quick-R R-bloggers r-tutor Kickstarting R r books Andrew Field, youtube videos Simply Statistics idre stat programiz shiny learn graph library: lattice, ggvis, ggplot2 About Package install.packages(“ggplot2”), you can also install with RStudio menu: Tools…

Read an Image with python

If you want to read an image, you will need the ‘image’ package: import Image read the image: convert the Image to grey scale:‘L’) convert the image to array: numpy.asarray(‘L’)) Notice: Here is a introduction to “Image” package…

sort 2d array in python

There are many ways to sort a 2d arrays. In general, you can use the sorted(), np.array.sort(),… But you should also understand what is meaning of list1.sort(list2) ravel() vs. flatten() what return the  key function back in sorted() what will…

the crazy * in zip()

I just want to reshape the List without use the numpy, so I found a piece of crazy code in stackoverflow: output: [(‘a’, ‘b’), (‘c’, ‘d’), (‘e’, ‘f’)] After the long consideration, I understand the code at last. The python…