the most useful pycharm hotkey
ctrl + s : save all ctrl + y : delete row ctrl + b / ctrl + click: go to the source
ctrl + s : save all ctrl + y : delete row ctrl + b / ctrl + click: go to the source : can include the object in “with” and keep the memory small. py4j: call java from python
It is very difficult to say which one I like more. Jupter vs. RMarkdown RMarkDown: quick edit for beautiful report, compile is slow Jupyter: console in web, flexible, but sometimes you will fall into chaos Both can integrate different language…
1. How to install ipython 3 kernel to jupyter? + install Anaconda 3 + copy “Jupyter notebook” symbol to desktop + right click -> “property” -> “start in” change to the folder which you want to begin with 2. How…
There are several methods to break the long string line in python. I think the triple-quoted “”” method is the easiest way. The reason is you can also for json object. myJson =””” { “result”: [{“short_description”: “I am getting bluescreen…
If you write Rmd file, the messages are always very disturbing. There are two methods to avoid it: 1. Global method {r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) 2. Local method suppressMessages(library(dplyr))
link is from default R adress: $which R /usr/bin/R it can be Force R Studio use the specific version: export RSTUDIO_WHICH_R=/usr/local/bin/R