jupyter notebook show enviornment

1. Anaconda version: my experience is only install nb_conda is enough 2. for normal pyhton version, you need to install ipykernel in each enviornment. (Notice: following code is example for mac and linux system.)

The easiest restapi for Django

pip install djangorestframework In your setting file, add the “rest_framework”: Create two files in your app: api : define the url api: define the function In url.py:  In views.py: You can also use decorators, it will be simpler:

Install bokeh

Install nodejs conda install -c conda-forge nodejs install jupyter lab conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab install jupyter lab: jupyter labextension install jupyter labextension list install bokeh plugin for jupyter jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_bokeh

Jupyter Magic Memory

%: line magic, %%cell magic Repeat Command: %recall Write cell content into a file: %%writefile file.py To autoreload your pyfile: %load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2 from yourfile import yourFunction Use R in jupyter %load_ext rpy2.ipythonR magic in cell %%Rcode in…