Conny Gu

Conny Gu

Useful links for Git

git Reference help.github Pro Git (free ebook) GitLab codeschool course for Git Tutorialspoint for Git Egit Icon Decorations

Useful Git Commands

$ git init #initialize an empty Git repoistory $ git status #see the current state of the project untracked file: it is a new file and not be tracked by Git staged:Files are ready to be committed. unstaged: Files with changes that…

Vector calculation in python and in R

There are different ways doing math for vector in python 1. use loop 2. use loop, but in list 3. use numpy 4. use map and lambda functions In R language, the vector math is relative easy Alternative for creating the…

How to change the document root in XAMPP for Windows

Do the following steps: XAMPP Control Panel -> Apache -> Config -> httpd.conf find the codes: DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs” <Directory “C:/xampp/htdocs”> change them to your new folder: DocumentRoot “D:/www” <Directory “D:/www”> copy all the contents from “C:/xampp/htdocs” to “”D:/www” “ restart…

Setting for RapidSVN

RapidSVN is a easy to use tool in Ubuntu, but some settings are still need to be cared. Documentation: :Contents If you want to set meld as merge tool, please don’t forget to give the following arguments in preference: “%2”…