Solve the path problem in eclipse pydev
If you copy a bundle of python codes into eclipse, usually the pydev can not find the paths. In this case, you have 2 two ways to deal with this problem. right click the folder -> pydev -> Set as…
If you copy a bundle of python codes into eclipse, usually the pydev can not find the paths. In this case, you have 2 two ways to deal with this problem. right click the folder -> pydev -> Set as…
There are already many ways to do the euclidean distance in python, you don’t need to do it actually. But it is a very good exercise for programming as long as you do it by yourself. summary: no numpy,…
git Reference help.github Pro Git (free ebook) GitLab codeschool course for Git Tutorialspoint for Git Egit Icon Decorations
$ git init #initialize an empty Git repoistory $ git status #see the current state of the project untracked file: it is a new file and not be tracked by Git staged:Files are ready to be committed. unstaged: Files with changes that…
There are different ways doing math for vector in python 1. use loop 2. use loop, but in list 3. use numpy 4. use map and lambda functions In R language, the vector math is relative easy Alternative for creating the…
Do the following steps: XAMPP Control Panel -> Apache -> Config -> httpd.conf find the codes: DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs” <Directory “C:/xampp/htdocs”> change them to your new folder: DocumentRoot “D:/www” <Directory “D:/www”> copy all the contents from “C:/xampp/htdocs” to “”D:/www” “ restart…
RapidSVN is a easy to use tool in Ubuntu, but some settings are still need to be cared. Documentation: :Contents If you want to set meld as merge tool, please don’t forget to give the following arguments in preference: “%2”…