Different ways to calculate the euclidean distance in python
There are already many ways to do the euclidean distance in python, you don’t need to do it actually. But it is a very good exercise for programming as long as you do it by yourself.
- no numpy
- numpy.dot(vector.T, vector)
- numpy.linalg.norm(vector, order, axis)
- scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(vector1, vector2)
- matplotlib.pyplot.mlab.dist()
- It is also important to care about the Error Handling, this is useful link to learn deal with errors.
I wrote the following script, just try it!
import numpy as np import sys import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import distance vector1 = [3.0, 104.0] vector2 = [18.0, 90.0] vectorOther = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] v1 = np.array(vector1) v2 = np.array(vector2) vOther = np.array(vectorOther) def diff_Length_Error(): raise RuntimeWarning("The length of the two vectors are not the same!") def euclidean0_0 (vector1, vector2): ''' calculate the euclidean distance input: numpy.arrays or lists return: 1. quard distance, 2. euclidean distance ''' quar_distance = 0 try: if(len(vector1) != len(vector2)): diff_Length_Error() zipVector = zip(vector1, vector2) for member in zipVector: quar_distance += (member[1] - member[0]) ** 2 return quar_distance, math.sqrt(quar_distance) except Exception, err: sys.stderr.write('WARNING: %s\n' % str(err)) return -1, -1 def euclidean0_1(vector1, vector2): '''calculate the euclidean distance, no numpy input: numpy.arrays or lists return: euclidean distance ''' dist = [(a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(vector1, vector2)] dist = math.sqrt(sum(dist)) return dist def euclidean2(vector1, vector2): '''calculate the euclidean distance, use numpy.dot() function input: numpy.arrays or lists return: euclidean distance ''' try: if type(vector1) == list: vector1 = np.array(vector1) if type(vector2) == list: vector2 = np.array(vector2) diff = vector2 - vector1 squareDistance = np.dot(diff.T, diff) return squareDistance, math.sqrt(squareDistance) except TypeError as e: print "Type error: {}".format(e.message) raise except ValueError as e: print "Value error: {}".format(e.message) raise except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] raise def euclidean3(vector1, vector2): ''' use numpy.linalg.norm to calculate the euclidean distance. ''' vector1, vector2 = list_to_npArray(vector1, vector2) distance = np.linalg.norm(vector1-vector2, 2, 0) # the third argument "0" means the column, and "1" means the line. return distance def euclidean4(vector1, vector2): ''' use scipy to calculate the euclidean distance. ''' dist = distance.euclidean(vector1, vector2) return dist def euclidean5(vector1, vector2): ''' use matplotlib.mlab to calculate the euclidean distance. ''' vector1, vector2 = list_to_npArray(vector1, vector2) dist = plt.mlab.dist(vector1, vector2) return dist def list_to_npArray(vector1, vector2): '''convert the list to numpy array''' if type(vector1) == list: vector1 = np.array(vector1) if type(vector2) == list: vector2 = np.array(vector2) return vector1, vector2